The Three Witches character jug prototype in a flambé finish modeled by Robert I. Tabbenor and produced by Royal Doulton of Burslem, England, in 1998. The Three Witches from William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the story of a good man turned evil by ambition, play an integral part in the course Macbeth follows. The play opens with the witches, also known as the Weird Sisters, planning to find Macbeth upon the heath. In their best-known scene, the three witches prepare for the arrival of Macbeth, who comes to learn his fate. As the scene opens, the witches hear their familiars calling to them, telling them it is time to work their black magic. The first witch says, "Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd." Then the three gather around a cauldron, chanting, "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble," and make a sickening stew. When Macbeth enters, they call forth apparitions from the cauldron who deliver prophecies to Macbeth. The left handle is a bubbling cauldron and the right handle is a toad and fenny snake.
Royal Doulton
Model #:
character jug
2 1/4"