Pat Parcel The Postman 3/4 body toby jug designed by William K. Harper and produced by Royal Doulton of Burslem, England, from 1989 to 1991. Pat is a well-known figure, noted for his prompt delivery of mail and a fund of jokes with which he assails people in the street; "Have you heard this one?" At weekends he may be seen walking in the hills and moorlands beyond Doultonville in the company of Sarah, one of Sgt. Peeler's daughters whom he hopes to marry. He composes poems for her and recites them in a high emotional voice, but she is not impressed. On sunny days they drive to the Ladybower reservoir, a large lake in the moorlands, to picnic, sometimes with friends, on the grassy slopes bordered by woods and banks of rhododendrons. This is one of twenty-five Doultonville toby jugs.
Royal Doulton
1989 - 1991
Model #:
The Doultonville Collection
toby jug