Paddy character jug produced by Jon Anton of Longton, England, between 1971 and 1975. The term Paddy has generally come to denote any Irishman, since this nickname is widespread in Ireland where many of its sons are called Patrick or Padraig after their patron saint, St. Patrick. Rather than being a model of his saintly namesake, however, this particular Paddy has the features of the proverbial rogue! We can easily imagine him, with his clay pipe tucked into his hat, swaying down the cobbled streets of Cork, a shillelagh tucked under one arm and a pint of Irish Guinness raised in the other! He recalls a type once familiar in old songs, ballads and popular music-hall sketches and stories, but perhaps now a dying breed in modern Ireland. A shillelagh forms the handle of the jug. The Paddy character jug was produced from Westminster Pottery molds.
Jon Anton
Model #:
character jug