Nora Batty character jug produced by Peggy Davies Ceramics of Stoke-on-Trent, England, circa 1988 on commission by a retailer in Holmefirth, England and using its Prestige Jugs tradename. Nora Batty is a fictional character in the world's longest-running sitcom, "Last of the Summer Wine". One of the perpetual annoyances in Nora's life is her neighbor of many years, Compo Simmonite. When Compo pointed out Nora's famous wrinkled stockings or surprised her, she would either drag Wally out in a failed attempt to put him off or assault him with the harder end of her broomstick. However, Nora does care for Compo deep down; when he doesn't notice her, she thinks something is up. Although initially a stern Northern "battleaxe", Nora showed on occasion, particularly as the years passed, that underneath she is actually a rather caring and kind woman, although she doesn't openly promote the fact. She even seemed to grow fond of Compo. Nora became a national icon, recognized by her wrinkled stockings, pinny and distinctive style of hair curlers. Nora's leg with wrinkled stocking and a broom form the handle of the jug.
Prestige Jugs
circa 1988
Model #:
Last of the Summer Wine Pair
character jug