Lando Calrissian character jug produced in Japan by Sigma The Tastesetter of Garden City, New York, circa 1985. From the Star Wars universe, Lando Calrissian may have come late to the fight against the Empire, but his role in destroying the second Death Star cemented his reputation as a hero. In his youth, Lando was a sportsman seeking a fortune at the sabacc tables. After he lost his beloved ship to Han Solo, Lando spent years living the high life and pursuing get-rich-quick schemes, with uneven results. He went semi-respectable as the baron administrator of Cloud City, only to be drawn into the fight against the Empire. After a personal tragedy, Lando sought solace in isolation on Pasaana, unaware that the galaxy would need him again.
United States
circa 1985
Model #:
Return of the Jedi Series
character jug
4 1/4"