Donkey character jug produced by Frankoma Pottery of Glenpool, Oklahoma, in 1976. The domestic donkey is a hoofed mammal in the family Equidae, the same family as the horse. It derives from the African wild ass. It was domesticated in Africa some 5000-7000 years ago and has been used mainly as a working animal since that time. There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world used principally as draught or pack animals. In 1975, Joniece Frank designed a Democrat donkey compliment to the Republican elephant. In inaugural years, mugs bear the name of the President and Vice President. All mugs show the date and have the GOP or DEM on them. These mugs were produced up until 2005, when the plant officially closed. The donkey's tail forms the handle of the jug.
Frankoma Pottery
United States
Model #:
character jug