Capt Ahab character jug modeled by Garry Sharpe and produced by Royal Doulton of Burslem, England, between 1959-1984. The obsessive sea captain, Ahab, appears in the classic American novel "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville. Written in 1851, the book centers on the conflict between the captain of a whaler and Moby Dick, the great cunning and elusive white whale that robbed him of his leg. Determined to get his revenge, Ahab pursues the whale across three quarters of the globe. The pursuers meet with so many disasters that Moby Dick becomes an object of fear and superstition. When the whale is finally tracked down, a three-day conquest ensues ending in the whale's triumphant victory. Captain Ahab's neck is broken and his ship, the Pequod, is sunk. The lone survivor returns to tell the terrible tale. A white whale forms the handle of this jug. Along with this large size, a small size (D6506) and miniature size (D6522) were also produced. A tan jacket colorway is known to exist.
Royal Doulton
Model #:
Characters From Literature Collection
character jug