Admiral Robert Blake character jug designed by Gerald Embleton and produced in Malaysia by Franklin Porcelain of London, England, in 1984 limited edition and sold on a subscription basis for the Maritime Trust. Robert Blake (1598-1657) was an English naval officer who served as general at sea and the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports from 1656 to 1657. Blake served under Oliver Cromwell during the English Civil War and Anglo-Spanish War, and as the commanding Admiral of the State's Navy during the First Anglo-Dutch War. Blake is recognized as the "chief founder of England's naval supremacy", a dominance subsequently inherited by the British Royal Navy well into the early 20th century. Despite this, due to deliberate attempts to expunge the Parliamentarians from historical records following the Stuart Restoration, Blake's achievements tend to remain relatively unrecognized. Blake's successes, however, are considered to have "never been excelled, not even by Nelson" according to one biographer. A sword forms the handle of the jug.
Franklin Porcelain
Model #:
Great British Admirals Collection
character jug
7 1/2"