Admiral of the Fleet Earl Mountbatten of Burma character jug designed by Gerald Embleton and produced in Malaysia by Franklin Porcelain of London, England, in 1984 limited edition and sold on a subscription basis for the Maritime Trust. Vice-Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten (1900-1979) was the son of Prince Louis Alexander, Admiral of the British Fleet, and grandson of Queen Victoria. He followed in his father's footsteps by entering the Royal Navy and in World War II served as captain of the destroyer HMS Kelly. He directed commando raids on Norway and France, leading to his appointment as Supreme Allied Commander of the Southeast Asia Command. As the last Viceroy and Governor-general of India, he presided over the transfer of power from England to India in 1947. Returning to Naval duty, Mountbatten became First Sea Lord in 1955. His assassination off the northwest coast of Ireland by an IRA terrorist bombing in 1979 caused worldwide consternation. The British Union Jack flag forms the handle of the jug.
Franklin Porcelain
Model #:
Great British Admirals Collection
character jug