Admiral Benbow character jug designed by Gerald Embleton and produced in Malaysia by Franklin Porcelain of London, England, in 1984 limited edition and sold on a subscription basis for the Maritime Trust. Vice-Admiral John Benbow (1653-1702) was an English Royal Navy officer. He joined the Navy in 1678, seeing action against Barbary pirates before leaving to join the Merchant Navy in which Benbow served until the 1688 Glorious Revolution, whereupon he returned to the Royal Navy and was commissioned. Benbow fought against the French Navy during the Nine Years' War, serving on and later commanding several English warships and taking part in the battles of Beachy Head and Barfleur and La Hogue in 1690 and 1692. He went on to achieve fame during his military accomplishments, which included fighting against Barbary pirates such as the Salé Rovers, besieging Saint-Malo and seeing action in the West Indies against the French during the War of the Spanish Succession. A pair of dueling flintlock pistols and the feather from Benbow's hat form the handle of the jug.
Franklin Porcelain
Model #:
Great British Admirals Collection
character jug